
Even sad news is important

About us

The news that someone close has passed away from this world generally comes so quickly and unexpectedly that we do not hear about it until it is too late. If it is a childhood friend, a classmate, a work colleague, simply someone we knew that has passed “to the other side”, we might not hear about it at all. Using artificial intelligence, Charon.info ensures that such information always reaches us in a timely manner. However, this requires the involvement of as many funeral homes as possible, all over the world. The application will then be not merely an aid to funeral homes, but will pass on information about these sad events all around the world, with the option to set up filters and have targeted notifications sent out. To put it simply, we’ll take care of it for you!

We change our jobs, we move to other cities or abroad, and so lose contact with our home town, no longer knowing whether someone we know might have died. People change their surnames, making it difficult to find out whether a childhood friend or school classmate is no longer with us. We keep up to date on this information for you, including by birth surname. You just enter the necessary details into the filter and we take care of the rest. Simply, quickly and forever.

Help us to spread awareness of the Charon.info application. Share it with your friends and contact the funeral services in your region. With your help we will grow and the application will achieve its goal, to keep everyone informed, wherever they might be.

Thank you.

The Charon.info team

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  • Targeted notifications
  • online_condolences
  • sharing_funerals
  • navigation
  • Calendar
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